Speaking Transcription

Fast. Accurate. Reliable.
Transcribe Your TALKS
Get the complete text in less than 2 hours

Whether you're a coach, counselor, therapist or public speaker, we can save you time and money by producing accurate transcriptions of your talks, workshops or lectures.

Our cutting-edge technology will transcribe your audio/video file and have them back to you as editable text files in under two hours when necessary!

Standard Transcription rate: $.97/minute

Downloadable ebooks, study guides, social media content, and blogs...

Once your transcription is complete, our design team can quickly create resources that match your website's look and feel.


If someone wants to learn more about you, an ebook is a powerful tool to introduce them to your mission and content. Plus, you can use it to capture their email address for future engagements.

Study Guides

Wouldn't it be great if your audience could go deeper after your talks, apply your concepts at home, or in small Zoom workshops you host? Our meticulous writers and designers can turn your transcriptions into worksheets or study guides that will help your listeners continue to grow as they review it again on their own.

Social Media Content

Your listeners are on social media. Are you reaching them with relevant content? Our social media experts will turn the best snippets of your talks into ready-to-go social media posts. Automated scheduling means you don't have to worry about posting!


A blog filled with great content is one of the best ways to grow your presence online. And since you likely have several recordings already, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, let us take the lead. We'll repurpose your raw audio files into a cutting-edge blog that will be a top search result whenever someone Googles a topic that you address.

Your Blueprint for Online Growth

Together, we can turn your talks into a blueprint for online growth that will reach more people, and cost much less than traditional forms of outreach like radio and TV.

  • Step 1: You Record Your Talk

    This is where you shine, creating the engaging content listeners want to hear. (Or send us the links to previous recordings.)

  • Step 2: We Transcribe It Fast

    Once your talk is complete, send us your audio and we'll transcribe in as little as two hours.

  • Step 3: We Set Your Strategy

    Turning a talk into a blog takes more than just transcribing it. For your content to be effective, it has to be organized strategically in a way that appeals to Google's latest search algorithm. At this step, we begin creating pillar pages that your library of content will link to in order to help Google navigate and prioritize your page to the right audiences.

    We will also work with you to select talks, series, and topics that should be turned into ebooks, study guides, and other types of resources that will engage and guide your audience.

  • Step 4: We Create Your Blogs, Resources & Downloadable Guides

    Our team of experts will optimize your blog pages and add backlinks to ensure that with each new post, your site gains more credibility and climbs Google's organic search rankings.

    You can keep this on your site, or let us host it on a donor-friendly platform.

    We'll also begin creating the ebooks, study guides, and other resources that you can use to capture new names, fundraise, and disciple.

  • Step 5: We Highlight Your Best Snippets On Social Media

    In order to maximize your reach, we take the best snippets from your transcriptions and turn them into social media posts that match your brand and style. Our team can auto schedule them for you, or you can post them yourself.

    Your new audiences discover you as they scroll their social media feed.

  • Step 6: We Run Scroll-Stopping Ads (For Just $1 A Day)

    Building your audience organically takes time, especially if there are a lot of other speakers that are similar to you. Radio and TV are expensive—as much as $100,000 per month.

    Paid digital advertising can help you increase your reach faster, for as little as $1 in ad spend per day. And since we already laid out your strategy and created social media content in previous steps, running paid campaigns is easy and cost-effective.

Limited Time Offer

It's our way of thanking YOU for the inspirational content you bring into the world!