You can reach more listeners online

We find new audiences for your podcast ministry, locally or nationally

Mobile audiences are showing up online in droves. Do you have a strategy to reach them, then keep them engaged?

Grow your reach daily with awesome on-demand experiences

Every day, people are searching for a word of truth to guide them.

And you have a way to reach their ears. All day long, there is a tiny billboard in their home, purse, or car, as they're running errands or relaxing. It's their mobile phone. Laptop. Tablet. And the average person spends 3-4 hours a day using these devices.

They could spend that time listening to you.

Today's listener is turning to Bible-based podcasts to find hope and assurance in a whole new way.

We're going to make sure they find you, right when they need you. And we'll do it efficiently, for a fraction of what you would spend for traditional media, like radio and TV.

You'll stand out as their personal online shepherd, with captivating content designed to engage people right where they're at.

We'll nurture them into brand advocates who love your mission and message SO MUCH that they'll rave about you and tell their friends.

You'll be well ahead of the game... because we'll show you how today's automated processes can serve your digital audience all day long as you tend to other shepherding duties.

How will we do this? Three simple ways:

1. We'll turn your website into your 24/7 marketing department. But instead of playing catch-up with social media and SEO, our method deploys a proven, integrated 3-step strategy that will start getting results right away.

2. We'll leverage time-saving, AI-assisted technology like geofencing, lead-scoring, behavior-based targeting, and anonymous lead attribution. This allows you to do more with less, achieving better results without hiring more staff.

3. We'll create an evergreen fundraising pipeline. Your best content should be fundraising for you year-round. We'll build you an optimized online system you can set and forget. How much is a new listener worth to your ministry? Set your budget according to how many you want to reach.

Imagine your podcast 30 days from now!

We have a combined 13 years of agency-level experience serving the biggest names in Christian broadcasting.

  • Getting new listeners will be streamlined and automated. You'll get the help and advice you need to maximize every dollar of ad-spend, in a way that better targets the people you want to serve.

  • You'll attract the kind of listeners who'll talk about you, tell their friends, and build trust by word-of-mouth references that money can't buy.

  • It's recession-proof—you can reconfigure your ministry NOW to keep generating a pipeline of demand for your unique topics and study series. You can even host online seminars, retreats, and cultivate a community prayer group around your podcasts. We'll show you how!

      • BEST OF ALL, when your church is locked-down, you'll still have an ONLINE stream of seekers who are waiting to hear God's word in a fresh, new, relevant way. You'll be at the forefront of this new frontier!

      • YOU CAN COUNT ON US as your friendly, affordable offsite podcast promotion team. We'll package your sermons and polish them into a well-oiled podcasting ministry. When you win, we win!

Interested in recession-proofing your Bible-teaching ministry?

Book a quick 15-minute chat, tell us what you're doing, and let's find a way to start increasing revenue that fits with your budget.

Your bottom-line could see a fundraising lift, even during this pandemic. Why wait? Connect today.

<span class="display-md-font" style="color:inherit">Mobile audiences are showing up online in droves. Do you have a strategy to reach them, then keep them engaged?</span>